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Article : "Les stratégies d'Open Savoir-Faire"

(Open Savoir Faire strategies)

mardi 23 juin 2015

Short Massive Open Online Consulting (Short MOOC)

"Short Massive Open Online Consulting" (Short MOOC) is expected to transform consulting business the same way MOOC is transforming higher level education.

The tools are
  • an instructional pattern specifically designed for consulting purposes, named "Short MOOC en Réseau"
  • a free open tool to edit and produce a short online course,  named "Personal MOOC".
The underpinning business models  are derived from independant research on "Institute 2.0" (
  • Business model N°1 : projection over the open web, projection within an enterprise
  • Business model N°1A : free entrance - filtered entrance
  • Business model N°2 : private coach for MOOC attendees
  • Business model N°3 :  license for reserved space discussion
  • Business model N°4 : secured tunnel between the enterprise and the MOOC plateform
  • Business model N°5 : attendees recruitment for a small private session
  • Business model N°6 : MOOC modules sourcing
  • Business model N°7 : MOOC animator
  • Business model N°8 : catalog of MOOC modules for hire
  • Business model N°9 : third parties intellectual property rights respect insurance

To visualize some Short MOOC,  a gallery of 18 Short MOOC (all in French but one)

To explore business opportunities, several discussions have been launched on LinkedIn such as this one on MOOC Francophone

You are welcome to launch your own discussion.
If you like me to participate, please let me know, i'll be happy to do so.

For those who are at Paris, a "petit déjeuner" is organized on June 29 by the Paris based consulting network "XMP Consult", an association of 200+ partners of independant consulting businesses and graduated from French Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieur.
June 29, 8:30 à 10:00
Speakers : Tru Dô-Khac, Jean-Louis Galano
Location : Ecole des Mines ParisTech, Paris, France
To register via  "Innovation et gouvernance numérique d'entreprise"