An open creative knowledge community...
The Archilogy Institute [1] is an open creative knowledge community inspired by opensource, wikipedia and IT cloud visions addressing governance for enterprises information technologies, innovation and ecosystems.
The knowledge community is open and creative.
- open because its members are not bound to a central legal entity through contractual agreements such as a subscription or a labor contract but form a community where members are bound together through one-to-many arrangements which allows "Sharing, Reusing and Remixing, - Legally " [2] intellectual outputs;
- creative because the one-to-many arrangements which bind members of the knowledge community together are based on Creative Commons contracts which have been crafted to foster creativity and innovation.
In a nutshell, The Archilogy Institute operates as a pervasive organism composed of " creative knowledge cells " nurtured by individuals or organizations and irrigated by "streams of knowledge " whereas :
a "creative knowledge cell" is defined as an information unit compliant with five criteria :
- the unit should carry some creative work;
- the creative work of the unit should be endorsed by its creator;
- the history of the unit should be traced;
- the creative work of the unit should be anchored in previous creative works;
- the creative work of the unit should be marked with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof;
a "stream of knowledge " is a sequence of linked creative knowledge cells.
...addressing governance for information technologies, innovation and ecosystems
The Archilogy Institute addresses governance within the enterprises and the ecosystems. The Archilogy Institute members aim to understand, monitor and participate to the dynamics between the enterprise, the ecosystems, information technology usage and intellectual properties practices under the forces of innovation, production, distribution and usage.
About this page
This page is a creative knowledge cell.
The creative knowledge cell is a cell of The Archilogy Institute.
Firmly anchoring the cell to the ocean of knowledge
[1] Archilogie is an old French word from the XV century, composed by the Greek words archein (pouvoir/power, you may think of mon-archy) and logos (discours/discourse). It could be translated by "discours du pouvoir" (discourse on power), that is governance .
To invoke governance, cratology (Fr: cratologie) could have been used as well (for cratos, you may think of "démo-cratie", Ang: democracy) but cratology might have summoned French philosopher Michel Foucault's work, a little bit far from information technology governance (IT governance), the first discipline addressed by The Archilogy Institute.
[2]"Share, Remix, Reuse -Legally" is the motto of Creative Commons, " a nonprofit organization dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. Creative Commons provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof ".
The phrase has been remixed through Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
The phrase has been remixed through Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
Tracing the creative knowledge cell life
- Published by Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, under Creative Commons Attribution France 2.0 ; July 2009.
- Content transferred to this message from on November 21. 2010.
"Sharing, Reusing, Remixing, -Legally-", the creative knowledge cell content
"The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing governance" by Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, France est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité 2.0 France.
Contacting the creative knowledge cell nurturer
- The present knowledge cell is nurtured by Tru Dô-Khac , an independent consultant in IT and innovation governance.