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Article : "Les stratégies d'Open Savoir-Faire"

(Open Savoir Faire strategies)

IT Regime Management

Why : 
IT Regime Management (Regit [1]) is the contribution of The Archilogy Institute to the global effort to build the next generation of IT governance practices.

What :
IT Regime Management doctrine focuses on relationships.  It complements other IT governance doctrines oriented on processes.

IT Regime Management defines IT governance as "Definition, application and management of IT regimes".

Who :
IT Regime Management is developped and used by an open and creative community : the practice leverages crowdsourcing, Open Source, Cloud Computing services and Creative Commons.

[1] Note :
rĕgo, ĕre, rexi, rectum : direct, conduct, pilot, rule,...
regis ; seconde personne du singulier du verbe rĕgo
regit : troisième personne du singulier du verbe rĕgo