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Article : "Les stratégies d'Open Savoir-Faire"

(Open Savoir Faire strategies)

mardi 7 décembre 2010

What is regime management about ?

An ecosystem health is the result of various forces (cf Michael Porter's five forces : customers, suppliers, new entrants, substitutes, competitors). A little bit of governance through enforced regimes might help.
To avoid getting broken, the enterprise should recognize, respect and comply to these regimes without waiting for a dramatic catastrophe to command.

That's what regime [1] management [Fr : Régime Management] is about.

From a practice perspective, see what's going on in the oil industry and in the Mexico gulf. Regime management processes and procedures might have avoided a certain oil spill, had they been implemented in CRM (customer relationship management) systems and SCM (supply chain management) systems used by players of the oil industry.

Now in the IT services industry, to our knowledge, "Regime Management" has not been identified as a critical IT management practice yet [2]. A project to develop Regime Management practices for information technology services is launched.

Anchoring into the ocean of knowledge
[1] Regime [Fr: régime] as a notion from political science is deeply rooted in French history and culture. The notion of Regime is used as well in mechanical engineering, natural ressources management, etc.
[2] From a best effort review of sample materials of a selection popular IT management methods. Authors of IT management methods are invited to liaise and when opportune, the author of the present page shall pay tribute and give back full credit.

About this page
This page is a cell of The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing governance within enterprises and ecosystems.

Contacting the cell nurturer
The present cell is nurtured by Tru Dô-Khac, a Paris based independant researcher/consultant in IT and innovation governance. To sustain this cell, Tru Dô-Khac delivers training, lectures, professional services and consulting.

Tracing the cell life
Published on by Tru Dô-Khac, France, on June 17. 2010.
Migrated to this site on Decembre 7.. 2010.

"Sharing, Remixing, Reusing, - Legally", the cell content
Creative Commons License
"What is regime management about" by Tru Dô-Khac est mis à la disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France