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Article : "Les stratégies d'Open Savoir-Faire"

(Open Savoir Faire strategies)

lundi 11 juillet 2011

An archilogy ontology is a representation of governance

“archilogy ontology” is a formula created by Tru Dô-Khac to labels a governance representation crafted by The Archilogy Institute, an open and creative knowledge community addressing dynamics between enterprises, ecosystems, IT and IP (intellectual properties).
Archilogie is an ancient French word [1]. It notably appears in “Archilogie Sophie” (Literally, “wisdom of the highest discourse”) as the translation of the title of a piece of work of a clerk living in the XV century, Jacques Legrand [2].
Composed by the Greek words archein , power, (Fr : pouvoir) and logos, discourse (Fr : discours), archilogy could be translated with discourse on power (Fr : “discours sur le pouvoir”), that is governance .
Ontology is one of the most difficult concept in philosophy : you might remember a lecture in college [3] on the “Ontological Proof” (Fr : Preuve Ontologique) by René Descartes, a French philosopher of the XVI century (famous for his “cogito ergo sum”, “I think therefore I am”, Fr : “je pense donc je suis”).
Composed by the Greek words ontos , being, (Fr : étant) and logos, discourse (Fr : discours), ontology could be translated with discourse on being (Fr : “discours sur l'être”) that is representing .
Applied to an entity, an archilogy is a representation (Fr: représentation) of the entity or a modelling (Fr : modélisation) of the entity.

In information systems management, modelling systems happens when ensuring interoperation between IT systems or integrating a component into a system. When the modelling follows some specific semiologic rules, computer science calls it ontology : “ “Within the context of computer science, an ontology defines a set of representational primitives with which to model a domain of knowledge or discourse. The representational primitives are typically classes (or sets), attributes (or properties), and relationships (or relations among class members)...” [4]
The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing dynamics between enterprises, ecosystems, IT and IP (intellectual properties), is developing governance ontologies which are called archilogy ontologies.
A typical archilogy ontology is the eSourcing governance ontology where “eSourcing govenance” is an original IT governance approach where “IT governance” is defined with a dual definition (© Tru Dô-Khac, France) :
(1) “IT governance regime” : “a governance regime for IT” (Fr : régime de gouvernance pour l'informatique d'entreprise) .
(2) “IT governance” : “Definition, application and management of regime(s)”.

About this page

The page is a creative knowledge cell :
1. it carries some creative work;
2. it is endorsed by its creator ;
3. the life of the page is traced;
4. the creative work is anchored in previous creative works;
5. the creative work is marked through Creative Commons license with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof. This creative knowledge cell is a cell of The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing governance within the enterprises and the ecosystems.

Anchoring the creative knowledge cell into the ocean of knowledge

- [1]« Archilogium » (par P. Carpentier, 1766), dans Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, éd. augm., Niort :L.Favre, 1883-1887.
- [2] Legrand, Jacques. Archilogie Sophie ; Livre de bonne meurs / Jacques Legrand ; edition critique avec introduction, notes et index par Evencio Beltran. - Geneve ; Paris : Slatkine, 1986.
- [3] Tribute to Lycée Louis-Le-Grand, Paris, France, and its professors, who have raised me to Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech .
- [4] Definition by [ Tom Gruber ], Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Ling Liu and M. Tamer Özsu (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2009
- « Share, Remix, Reuse, -Legally » is the motto of Creative Commons, a non profit organisation. It has been remixed through a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Contacting the creative knowledge cell nurturer

This creative knowledge cell is nurtured by Tru Dô-Khac , France, an independent consultant in IT and innovation governance.
Tru Dô-Khac's profile may be found at linkedin.

Tracing the life of this creative knowledge cell

Published by Tru Dô-Khac , Paris, France, on May 21. 2010, under Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-No Derivative France 2.0.
Updated on May 27. 2010 to add a link to Lycée Louis Le Grand, Paris, France.
Rewritten on May 31. 2010 to focus only on the formula of archilogy ontology.
Updated on August 29. 2010 to align the cell structure to the one suggested by The Archilogy Institute.

“Sharing, Remixing, Reusing, -“Legally”, the content of the creative knowledge cell

Creative Commons License
This work by Tru Dô-Khac is licensed under a Creative Commons Paternité - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 2.0 France License

This page was transferred to this blog from on July 11, 2011.
It can be used under CC BY NC ND 2.0 France.