In 2008, CIGREF, a Paris based association of leading European companies, launched an international research programme to understand the dynamics of information systems usage within the enterprises and society. Called ISD (Information Systems Dynamics), the programme has adopted as motto " Understanding how the digital world transforms our lives and our businesses ".
ISD ambitions to mobilize collaboration from academics, enterprises and citizens through various means: workshops, open conferences and events, call for academic driven research projects, call for enterprises sponsorships and contributing projects, call for public comments through open moderated blogs, alliances,...
As a result, two workshops and an international conference were held in 2009.
From these three events, we came back with some feelings which have inspired The Archilogy Institute seeding :
- information technologies (IT), information systems (IS) and information should not be blurred but be addressed specifically;
- IT governance, IS governance and information governance are highly dependant on cultural and social factors;
- emerging intellectual properties management practices allowing "sharing, reusing, remixing, - legally" [1], seem to have been overlooked;
- foresearching on IT usage should request that traditional frontiers (enterprises /citizens, academics/practitioners, workers/non workers, juniors/seniors) be lowered as much as possible;
- to lower these frontiers, innovative intellectual property (IP) management might be a powerful enabler.
Last septembre, the ISD 2010 conference in Paris sent an encouragement toThe Archilogy Institute to pursue its mission. The conference explored how innovating information systems could transform the enterprise while inviting China as guest country. To the unprecedented challenge of Chinese companies that should have in the coming years comparable innovation capabilities and a market to western companies and access to volumes , Creative Open Innovation, a derivative of Open Innovation based on a balanced intellectual property, might be an answer.
About this page
This page is a creative knowledge cell.The creative knowledge cell is a cell of The Archilogy Institute.
The cell is associated to a comment on the moderated forum of ISD (Information Systems Dynamics), which is an international research programme on IT usage dynamics launched by CIGREF, a forty years old association of leading European companies from the IT demand side.
Firmly anchoring the cell to the ocean of knowledge
[1]"Share, Remix, Reuse -Legally" is the motto of Creative Commons, " a nonprofit organization dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. Creative Commons provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof ".
Tracing the creative knowledge cell life
- Published by Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, under Creative Commons Attribution France 2.0 ; July 2009.- Updated on May 17. to become a seed cell of The Archilogy Institute.
- Updated on June 19. to pay tribute to CIGREF international research programme Information Systems Dynamics (ISD)
- Updated on August 27. to replace “note” by "Anchoring firmly into the ocean of knowledge"
- Content transferred from on October 14. 2010.
- Content transferred from on December 1 2010.
"Sharing, Reusing, Remixing, -Legally-", the creative knowledge cell content
"The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing governance" by Tru Dô-Khac, Paris, France est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité 2.0 France. "Share, Remix, Reuse, -Legally" is the motto of Creative Commons, a non profit organisation. The phrase has been remixed through Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.