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Article : "Les stratégies d'Open Savoir-Faire"

(Open Savoir Faire strategies)

lundi 6 décembre 2010

The Archilogy Institute launched an initiative to develop streams of "Regime Management" practices for the IT services industry

Announce, Paris, September 3. 2010 : a founding member of The Archilogy Institute community to speak at BPM-SOA 2010, an IDC conference taking place at Paris on September 21. 2010

BPM-SOA 2010 is the second edition of the yearly BPM-SOA conference produced by IDC France. With the support of Club Urba-EA, a Paris based association addressing Enterprise Architecture and introduced by Didier Krainc, IDC France managing director, the 2010 edition should feature speakers from the client side, - CNAMTS, Arte France, Vallourec-, and from the supplier side, -IBM, EMC, Red Hat. Michel Raquin, Chairman of Club des Pilotes des Processus, should lecture on the coupling between BPM and SOA. Tru Dô-Khac, an independent IT and Innovation governance consultant and founding member of The Archilogy Institute, has been invited to lecture on " relationship based " IT governance, an innovative approach of IT governance initiated by The Archilogy Institute. By enabling joint innovation by client and supplier, Relational IT Governance should help users to fully yield BPM-SOA benefits.

On June 20. 2010, Paris, France, The Archilogy Institute launched an initiative to develop streams of "regime" management practices for the IT services industry.

The initiative should deliver a project of which governance should be inspired by opensource, wikipedia and IT cloud visions.

« IT Regime Management » should name the stream of practices that would be open and creative.
  • open because its builders and users are not bound to a central legal entity through contractual agreements such as a subscription or a labor contract but form a community where members are bound together through one-to-many arrangements which allows “sharing, reusing and remixing, - legally” intellectual outputs;
  • creative because the one-to-many arrangements which bind builders and users of the practice together are based on Creative Commons contracts which have been crafted to foster creativity and innovation.

A call for contributors, - builders and users-, is placed.

An open Linkedin group is created under the name of « Regime management for enterprises and IT services ». Members of this group are invited to enable « sharing, reusing and remixing, -legally- », their intellectual outputs under Creative Commons licences.

Anchoring firmly into the ocean of knowledge
Regime [Fr: régime] as a notion from political science is deeply rooted in French history and culture.

"Share, Remix, Reuse -Legally" is the motto of Creative Commons, " a nonprofit organization dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. Creative Commons provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof ".
The phrase has been remixed through Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.

Contacting the cell nurturer
  • This page is a cell of The Archilogy Institute, an open creative knowledge community addressing governance within enterprises and ecosystems.
  • The present cell is nurtured by Tru Dô-Khac, a Paris based independant researcher/consultant in IT and innovation governance. To sustain this cell, Tru Dô-Khac delivers training, lectures, professional services and consulting. 
Tracing the cell life
  • published by Tru Dô-Khac, France, on June 22. 2010 at
  • transferred to this site on December 6., 2010.
« Sharing, remixing, reusing, - legally- », the cell content
Creative Commons License
This text by Tru Dô-Khac est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France