As a gift, please find underneath the list of all the posts since the blog inception
2010 : Blog objectives and governance
- What is regime management about ?
- Regime management for IT
- Regime Management for business
- Five business requirements and five capabilities for the next generation IT governance practices
- The Archilogy Institute launched an initiative to develop streams of Regime Management Practices for the IT service industry
- Etymology of archilogy
- Inspired by CIGREF
- Three stages of digital enterprise architecture
- A story of digital enterprise architecture
- IT Journey management philosophy
- Open Survey : exploring the true value of IT Best Practices in 12 questions
- Journey ontologies
- IT governance ontologies
- IT governance regime pattern
- An archilogy ontology is a representation of governance
- "IT Relationships to do the right things...
- "IT processes to do things right...
- July 2009 : creation of an institute to address "business relationship management".
- SOA governance regime
- (Archive) Hints for a differentiated governance for cloud computing
- NGEN ITG, a foresearch project launched in 2009 to address relationship oriented governance
- A survey to imagine the Innovative Digital Enterprise
- A case of Open Innovation : NGEN ISG
- (Archive) An introduction to IT governance regime (Fr : régime de gouvernance informatique)